Thursday, July 19, 2007

Inquiring minds want to know....

Here is Kim's apartment. This is right aftershe moved in. So some of the wall art has changed but you get the idea.
I also posted Iowa pics below.

Iowa Pictures

Malachy at the 4th of July Parade

Malachy and Elena, Todd and Kelli's, Girl at the Parade! They are expecting their second in the fall! =)

Mark, Todd, Elena and Malachy! Malachy is not a fan of pictures as you may see.

Ben and his Garden, it's impressive!

Mark with his niece, Chloe! She is so beautiful!

I'm sure Malachy is trying to tell his cousin Isaac what to do. I don't think it worked.

At the fireworks.

Mark and Grandpa

At Grandma and Grandpas

Sorry I have not posted in so long! We have been BUSY! Here are some pictures from Iowa! They are not in order because I'm too lazy!