Monday, November 13, 2006


So we made it to Louiville, KY tonight. Still along way to go. Malachy was pretty good in the car. He got restless at the end and kept saying me go play now but for the most part he was really good. We are at a hotel now and we don't have a ton of toys so he is needing a ton of entertaining which has me alittle cocerned about our energy levels for the rest of the trip. Mark and I try to stop at Malls and Mc Donald play lands when we are in the car alot to give Malachy some run around time. Maybe will try something moreore like that tomorrow. I'm excited for the rest of the trip and hopefully hitting up Lookout Mountain tomorrow! Some prayer request would be for safety (we seriously were run off the road today). Also I'm already feeling really homesick. I'm in the back with Malachy so I'm kind of left out of the conversation up front and when I try to get involved they usully don't hear me. Also not having Mark here is challanging. Mom and Kim are helping some with Malachy but obviously he is my main responsibility and when I ask for help I feel like I'm putting them out. Not neccisarily because of anything they do just because he is a ton of work and we are all tired from being on the road. I just feel alittle alone and lonely without my Markie poo! But I'm sure things will look up in the morning. Much love!


Andy said...

Yeah, I weas kind of worried about you getting stuck in the back seat with Mally, cause you do get left out of conversations.

Maybe Mom will feel like riding with Mally for a while tomorrow.
At least you have some gwt out of the car fun planned.


Anonymous said...

Miss you too wife!
Run off the road? you didn't tell me about that!
I hope you all have fun today- Post some pictures!