Monday, January 22, 2007

ok, ok...

Sorry for being dramatic. I'm not really super depressed. Just down in the dumps about stupid stuff at work. But that's normal it happens to everyone...I think. I'm lucky to have a job that I love so much and work with amazing people that I also love. This too will pass. Besides I feel like an idiot getting upset about petty crap at work when my favorite Crystal in the whole world is dealing with real problems!!!

Put's thing in perspective! I love you Crystal and I'm amazed by your grace and stength daily. You are my hero. Thanks for being the best!


Crystal Starr said...

Steph, I love you, I just love you.

janettsue said...

I think I could start all my post by saying, I am sorry for being dramatic. Okay maybe I will try it for awhile. Or not.pbbhqiou That is what one must do to post pbbhqior Damn!

janettsue said...

Stef I too just Love you!
but now I have to write gpruga to post this.