Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Thanks Giving pictures!

Here our some of our Thanks Giving Day photos!
Kim and Mom prepared our Turkey diner with all the fixings! While Mark, Malachy and Dad watched what ever game they could find on TV. I took pictures and played with Malachy when he got bored of the TV! It was a real fun day! It felt like home to ALL of us, which made it extra special. Mom and I even got to do some scrap booking! Mom was really good at it.
This is our newly painted (and carpeted) living room and dinning room! Thanks giving reminded me of all I'm thankful for! Of course God's amazing grace and goodness was at the top of the list...not to sound all churchy...but God has been soo Good to me this year!
I'm thankful for:
Family and Friends!
Mark and I having jobs we really enjoy
Kim watching Malachy
Our new home
Our new Ipod
Our new computer
Lessons learned
and so much more!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

OK I was supposed to do this along time ago!

20 random things about me!
1. I over think EVERYTHING!
2. I only like red meat if it is cooked at a restraunt.
3. I still bite off my toe nails.
4. It is REALLY important to me to feel close to people.
5. I want to know God better
6. My baby's first word was eye.
7. I worship mediocrity.
8. I don't think I would survive in this world without my family.
9. Including my pregnancy in the past 2 years I gained 60lbs lost 85 and then gained 25 back and no I'm NOT pregnant so stop asking!
10. I LOVE the Office...I laugh the whole time! (favorite shows: Gilmore Girls, Lost, and 24!)
11. At work I feel like I talk more then I work, but the talking usually includes something or someone work related. =)
12. I use to drink the dill pickle juice
13. I find myself praying for Noah more then anything else...like ALL the stinking time!
14. The friends I feel the most close to are all people I have know since highschool.
15. My favorite foods are Spaghetti and Pumpkin Pie!
16. People give me crap about naming my son Malachy. His birthday cards had about 10 dif. spellings. =)
17. My Husband I just got an Ipod to share....we love it!
18. My dads 5th grade photo looks like me with a buzz cut!
19. I'm STILL scared of the dark.
20. I think my kid is the cutest!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Here they are...don't boycott!

Some of the long awaited House pictures!! This is the kitchen. With one of Kim's Kittys! We haven't started any work on the kitchen yet and will wait a while before we tackle the wall paper in here! When we do eventually get to it the goal is to paint it a earthy red and have a coffee house cozy feel! Below is the house from the front with little Malachy! Malachy is wearing his coat from Meghan!!

Above is the bedroom and too the left is more of the kitchen. The livng roon/dinning room is finaly done!! I will get pictures of those up soon!! Along with Malachys room.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Our New House!

OK I have tried twice to upload pictures and Blogger is being STUPID!! I'm way tooo annoyed to keep trying...so maybe tomorrow!

Mom and Dad's new apartment

I thought I would post some pictures of Mom and Dads new apartment (mostly for Noah and Lauren) It's a beautiful building right in the middle of historic Elgin! Many of the buildings near them date from around 1880-1900! The building has beautiful stained glass windows and great arches and molding! They are 1 block from a park and about 3-5 blocks from downtown. I'm looking forward to walking around downtown in the summer, Mom and Dad have already found a cute coffee shop! I'm so glad they found a place they enjoy so much! Congrats on the new place Mom and Dad!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Home again!

Soo...Mark and I went to Iowa this weekend and althougth we missed coming home down the big hill on 72 and seeing all the pretty trees in the river valley, we did enjoy driving up the driveway to our own home!

We had a great time in Iowa, especially Malachy, who had a 3rd Birthday party and got to play with his cousins! Now I'm home, beat, and ready for some TV! Next week I seriously have to do whatever it takes to get my living room DONE, it sucks having no comfy place to watch my shows and let the kid play! I have no trips next weekend so I can pull an all nighter and do what I gots to do! I'm soooo looking forward to having my house done and being able to invite people over!

I have missed being able to post pictures and keep up on everyones blogs!! I hope to have more time for blogging this week!

Friday, November 04, 2005

it's over!!

OK soooo...the worst day ever actually got worse!! I won't go into the details because it was pretty overwhelming and I don't want to relive it. But the good news is it is finally done! Mark and I are now home owners! We are pretty excited but still recovering from the emotional and physical exhaustion of last week.

There is a lot of work we need to do in the living/dinning room area as well as some other repairs outside on the steps and such. So those are our next projects to tackle! Luckley we had and continue to have some amazing help from our co-workers and the Kunzes!

I will post some fun pictures later but I'm currently at work and need to get some stuff done I just thought I should update you all!