Saturday, February 18, 2006

Small Group

In our small group we are studying a book called Praying God's word. There are weekly topics that we pray for God to give us strength in. (that's the easy way of explaining it) We are all so busy that sometimes we have a hard time doing our daily prayers so we have decided to try and post them on our Blogs when we can to help encourage accountability with eachother and more importantly with ourselves. Sooo....if you see random Bible Verse/prayer things on my Blog then you will know what is going on!

This week we are praying about over coming the insecurity of feeling unloved. I think that is a great one because I know that is one of the biggest lies the devil wants us to believe because it makes us weak. When we feel fully loved and confident in our identity in Christ we are MUCH less likely to struggle with pride and be obedient because we don't care what others think. WE also will have the joy and hope that God intended us to have. The Bible tells us we are to live for God's approval alone and not mans. There is freedom in God's unconditional love. Henri Nowen speaks about this beautifully in his book Life of the Beloved. ( I highly recommend it!)

"...though the experience of being the Beloved has never been completley absent from my life, I have never claimed it as my core truth...I kept refusing to hear the voice that speaks from the very depth of my being and says: You are my Beloved, on you my favor rests. That voice has always been there, but it seems that I was much more eager to listen to the other, louder voices, saying: Prove that you are worth something; do something relevant, spectacular or powerful, and then you will earn the love you so desire. Meanwhile, the soft, gentle voice that speaks in the silence and solitude of my heart remained unheard or, at least, unconvincing."

So anyhow here is my verse/prayer for today:

Lord God, help me not only to fully accept how much you love me, but help me to abide in your love. (John 15:9)


Kimberly Cangelosi said...

Great quotes Steph! Abiding in love seems like such a mysterious and wonderful concept. The idea that you could enter into love and walk around in it like a new skin...

Steph Stanger said...

Lauren, I was refering to God mostly. I do think sometimes we doubt we are loved by the people who are suppose to love us too...but as you pointed out we can never really count on people to make us feel loved (nor is that healthy). Only God is capable of loving us unconditionaly and completely. I don't know if anyone has ever fully acheived this, but, the hope is that if we can live out of the knowledge that we are fully loved by God (no matter what) then we will find freedom from fear of rejection, feelings of worthlessness, the desire to always seek others approval...because we will be confident of who we are in Christ. And then in return because of the amazing love and grace we freely recieve from God we would offer it to others without condition.